DeShon Leek

Third Ward

DeShon Leek is the Third Ward Commissioner for the Lansing Board of Water & Light. Commissioner Leek was appointed to the Board of Commissioners on November 18, 2019 with a term to expire June 30, 2027.

Commissioner Leek is a lifelong resident of Lansing whose education and training includes Everett High School, Lansing Community College and a Completed Apprenticeship with the UA Local 333 Plumbers and Pipefitters.

Currently Commissioner Leek is the Southeast representative of the Michigan Building and Construction Trade Council. He has a 22-Year Membership with UA Local 333 Plumbers and Pipefitters and has served as a Union Steward for the past 7-years.  He also holds a position on the Executive Board with UA Local 333. In 2018 Commissioner Leek was appointed and served on the City of Lansing’s Plumbing Board of Appeals.

As a commissioner, he has served as Human Resources Committee Chairperson and on the Executive and Nominating Committees for the BWL Board.  Commissioner Leek currently serves as a member of the Human Resources Committee.

Commissioner Leek has devoted his time to several community and charitable events such as: Sparrow Hospital Children’s Day of Miracles, Parks and Recreation Youth Sports, Faith Fellowship Church (Praise in the park), along with serving the community of Flint, Michigan during the water crisis.